Friday, September 28, 2007

Josh erased the pictures!

So, Josh got home from meeting Bill Bradley, which he loved! he wouldnt shut up about how he got to meet a hall of fame player..haha.. he was able to get a foam basketball signed by Bill, too, which is really awesome! Well anyways, josh came home and wanted to put the photos on the computer. it all went well until he saved them to the wrong folder... thinking he knew what he was doing, he just erased them.... only problem was that it erased them off of the camera, totally! Josh was sooo bumbed, but luckily he is good at searching the internet for ideas. He was able to find a site that helped explain how to recover photos off of memory cards, which was really awesome... what was even cooler is that about a month ago i had accidently done the same thing with a baby shower and josh was able to recover those (65 pictures), too!!!!!!!!

Do you have a digital camera?

If you don't have a digital camera, then you need to invest in one! I honestly think our digital camera is one of the best investments we have ever made. We used to have a little 3.1 digital camera, by Sony, but once we figured out we were pregnant, we decided it would be a good idea to get a really nice camera. We love to take pictures and have a ton of favorite ones on our computer. It is so hard to pick just one, so I am going to share a picture that I took of my husband this evening. Bill Bradley, former NBA and Hall of Fame player, came to UTA and spoke today. We were able to meet him and I took this picture of Josh with our camera!

This is just one of our many memorable moments we were able to capture, because we have a nice 10.3 Sony digital camera. We like to try new things with our camera too, like leaving the shutter open long enough for us to write with light, which creates for really cool photos! I would love to look at Nikon cameras next, and possibly get one of their top of the line SLR's! We are happy with ours, but we are always looking for new toys, especially cameras.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Mavs being sued by Roy Tarpley!

I saw the dumbest story today! I saw that former Dallas Mavericks player Roy Tarpley is apparently suing the Dallas Mavericks and the NBA for discrimination! Now, when I first read this I was like... "Dang it Mavs, why did you have to go discriminating!" ... but then I read the article.. Roy is suing the NBA and the Mavs because they would not reinstate him into the NBA, based on the stance that he has a "disability." Well, his "disability" is drug addiction and he believes that when he got cleaned up the Mavs and NBA should have let him back into the league to play......

HOW STUPID!!!! People are so dumb! There was actually a court that sided with this idiot! The NBA have specific rules and one of them is not using drugs. Tarpley broke those rules and was kicked out. He got "cleaned" up and was allowed to come back, but it didn't take long for him to relapse and get kicked out again. This guy was given TWO chances to obey the rules. Then he comes back and sues the NBA because of his own actions!

I am sorry, but being addicted to drugs is NOT a disability!!! It is something that could have been avoided if you wouldn't have chosen to do the drugs in the first place! I don't ignore that he has an addiction, but to call it a disability is a total cop out and is belittling those who actually have real disabilities!

I am tired of seeing celebrities get out of trouble by not taking responsibility for their actions. Instead they say they have a "problem" and need help. Yes, they do need help, but that shouldn't mean that they get out of trouble and don't have to pay for their actions! I honestly don't think Tarpley has learned anything if he can turn around and say the NBA treated him "wrongly" by not reinstating him. They have rules, he broke them, and he has to suffer the consequences.

What's next.... Pete Rose will come out and sue the MLB by saying his gambling was an addiction and that it is a "disability," therefore he should be allowed to be reinstated? Our country takes these "rights" issues WAY too far. It's scary!

Need a Kilt? I have just the place!

I have a friend who loves kilts! He honestly is always looking for a new one, and loves wearing them. I am not Scottish, and don't know a lot about the tradition of wearing kilts, but I do think they are really cool. Well, I was recently asked to take a look at a site that sells all kinds of kilts, and found myself very impressed.

Heritage of is a great site for finding some really cool kilts. When I look at a site, I try to look for a few things. I think it is very important for a site to be eye appealing, to be easy to navigate, and obviously provide a service that people will want. Well, this site definitely has these elements.

When you first arrive at the site, the first thing you see is a really cool designed title that draws you in. The site is fairly eye appealing and keeps your attention. When it comes to navigating the site, they have really done well. I had never been to the site before and very easily found my way around and found exactly what I was looking for. The same goes for providing a great service. While buying kilts and other Scottish items is a very specific target of people, the products seem to be of very good quality and are presented very professionally.

I would recommend checking out their site, to anyone interested in kilts or buying Scottish Memorabilia!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Well, we are off..

Off to class that is.... i got done with thank yous that i needed to get done from our shower. I guess i have a couple left, but for the most part they are done, which is a great feeling! I am so thankful for all the stuff we have gotten from people. it really makes us feel loved:) we have, at times, not felt very welcomed, so this really helps us see that people do care, here:) We have put it all in Emry's nursery, and it is really adding up since that room is so tiny.. it looks WAY cute, but we can't afford to put much more in there..haha.. i honestly dont know what we will do when he needs a bed to sleep in, there is no way we will fit in that apartment then.

Who helps you make financial decisions?

This is a tough question and one that we have been thinking about and discussing, in our household, for quite a while. It is a tough question because you want to be able to trust the ones you ask questions too, and trust that they will give you sound advice. It is always good to have friends available to help make financial decisions, so you aren't just shooting in the dark.

Now, I assume everyone agrees it is good practice to have friends available to help you make decisions about financial or stock market issues. However, are you going about it the traditional way? If you are, then you are missing out on what there is to really learn. Take for example. They have tons of resources that are updated all the time and new people joining the community all the time. It is super easy to meet, get to know, and ask questions to those people who really know what they are doing. Don't go with the outdated traditional methods, instead get involved with and get to know others, who can help you make the right decisions and help keep you from making bad decisions.

I would highly suggest visiting today. Take the time to set up a profile and get involved with this great site and utilize the social networking side of it, as you will get to know some great people who will be able to really help you make some wise decisions!

Bill Bradley!

Josh is super excited! Bill Bradley is coming to UTA and Josh gets to go eat dinner with him. for those of you who dont know who Bill Bradley is, he is best known for playing in the NBA. he is also known for being inducted into the NBA Hall of Fame and is now into politics. We dont really agree with his politics too much, but Josh loves basketball and would never turn down the opportunity to meet someone in the hall of fame!! I hope he has a blast, as i am sure he will..haha

last day of class...

well, baby class i mean:) we have had a lot of fun over the past few weeks, but tonight is our last class with Maryanne. we have learned a lot from her and i am sure we will learn a lot more tonight. We have been doing the stretching and breathing stuff that she taught us, and it has really helped a lot! I have a lot more energy over the past few days and have gotten a lot done, that i couldn't get done last week. I will update everyone on how this last class goes, when we get home:)

Do you like Christmas Gift Baskets?

If you like Christmas Gift Baskets as much as me and my family, then you need to check out this site! Christmas will be here before we know it, and gift baskets are a great way to go. Everyone in the family can enjoy gift baskets, towers, chocolate trays, etc. and that is exactly what Basket Star has to offer! They are adding more stuff all the time, in preparation of Christmas' arrival, so you should really go check out their inventory soon. Not to mention that there is hand delivery available in Bergen County NJ. If you don't live there, don't worry! They ship anywhere in the United States and they even have Livechat available for immediate help, so go ahead and place an order today!

Did you hear about Bonds' ball?

hahaha, i read today that the ball that barry bonds hit to break the all time homerun record is going to go to the hall of fame. that isn't the funny part. the funny part is that it is going to have an asteric mark burned into Marc Ecko bought the ball in an online auction and thought about even shooting it into space. He decided to have it sent to the hall of fame with the mark on it. i wonder if he gets paid for giving the ball up?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Time for Homework

well, it is almost 10pm and we are just sitting down to do homework. Our days have been very long as of late, and i am guessing they are only going to get longer with the approach of Emry :) Josh has quite a bit of reading to do, and i have some loan stuff to take care of. i was talking to josh today and he was saying how he wants to get his PhD after grad school... he wants everyone to have to call him "Dr. Josh Sankey"...haha

Available Seniors, looking for love... Check out this great site!

As many of you know, online dating is huge these days! There are so many different sites specifically for online dating, it's crazy. Since there are so many sites, it is important that you find the one that is right for you. It can be even harder to find that right site if you are a senior. Well, if you are but are tired of looking, then look no further. I have found this great senior dating site. You have got to check out all the profiles on this site and start looking for your senior match! This is not a poorly put together dating site! It is extremely well put together and easy for its customers to navigate!

You can easily select the preferences you want in a partner. It is super easy to sign up and get started. If you want to see who is online, simply click on "who's online" and see for yourself. You can also browse photos, chat, and get involved with the forums!

What are you waiting for? Get over to and get started, today!!

Vikings... get a QB!

dang it! they need a QB who can play! jackson has sucked it up, and i wont even talk about this past week. it is sad because their defense is playing very well, but they can't find anyone to run the offense. their offensive line is great and their rushing game is very good. Really, the only area that they struggle is the passing game, and that falls mostly on the shoulders of the QB... and some what on the WR's

Meet other Bikers!

Like online dating? Looking for available partners, online? Well, if you are but are tired of the same old types of dating sites, and are specifically looking for a biker dating site, you have got to check out all the biker personals that this site has to offer! This is not a poorly put together dating site! It is extremely well put together and easy for its customers to navigate!

You can easily select the preferences you want in a partner. It is super easy to sign up and get started. If you want to see who is online, simply click on "who's online" and see for yourself. You can also browse photos, chat, and get involved with the forums!

What are you waiting for? Get over to and get started, today!!

Dinah may not be there?

I forgot to mention, that today during our appointment, Dinah looked at our due date and said... hope he doesnt come early.... we were like, "what?"... she said, "oh, you dont know i am gone from the 19th-21st?" .... we had no idea. luckily 1st babies are "usually" late, so we shouldnt have to worry, but we are definitely going to be praying Emry comes on time, and not early :) she does have another mid-wife who would do the birth if she was gone, but we really want Dinah to do it

Great Tattoo Lovers Dating Site!

If you are tired of the same old types of dating sites, and are specifically looking for a tattoo dating site, you have got to check out all the tattoo lovers that this site has to offer! This is not some generic, loosely put together dating site! It is extremely well put together and easy for its customers to navigate!

You can easily select the preferences you want in a partner. It is super easy to sign up and get started. If you want to see who is online, simply click on "who's online" and see for yourself. You can also browse photos, chat, and get involved with the forums!

What are you waiting for? Get over to and get started, today!!

Great Appointment!

Well, as always our appointment went great! Everything is totally normal with our little Emry, and I am right on schedule. I have had some cramping, but was told that is totally normal. We got to hear his heart beat like we normally do, and that was fun as always, too! There was a new lady helping today, and her name tag said "grad student." She is finishing school so that she can be a mid-wife. She was pleasant, but we really like Dinah a lot!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Stop looking for a job, and have someone find it for you!

I was talking to one of my friends the other day and he said he had a headhunter help him find a job. I have heard of headhunters, but never really talked to anyone who had used one before. He enjoyed the experience and was very pleased with the job that the headhunter found him.

Good headhunters are hard to find, and A.E. Fledman Associates, Inc. is one of the best places to look! They have a very high standard of service and commitment and have been providing their great service since 1967!

Their recruiters have all had a great deal of success in the industries they represent at A.E. Feldman Associates, and have a ton of experience and skill that will help them make the best matches and find the best fits for each job! If you are looking for a job in any field from financial and risk management services, to communications and technology, A.E. Feldman Associates can help you!

Half Done with the day :)

Well, it is already 2:30pm, which means only 2 more hours until Josh comes home. I have plenty of things to keep me busy until then. I am going to get some more cleaning done, get our paper work filled out to make sure Josh gets time off when Emry is born, and then I am going to pay some bills.. .those are always a Then Josh and I will start looking at his first week of class work, which will be kind of fun to look through.

Josh was already noticing how much reading he will have the first week, WOW!!!!

Time for Lunch!

I love lunch time, because it is when Josh gets to come home! :) I spend all morning talking myself into waking up for the day, and then Josh comes home and it makes it easier. I never had this problem before I was pregnant, but everything is such a chore now..haha.. Josh motivates me to get up and eat:) I don't know what I would do without him and I am so thankful that his job allows him to come home so often and to be so flexible!

Do you need help getting something done?

One thing that we have noticed, living far away from family, is that it is really hard to find people to help you get things done. We have some friends but it is not the same as having family and close friends you can rely on. Well, I have been looking for someone to help get some stuff done, and I finally found a great place to look for help! is a site where you can find people to help with just about anything! It is based on the same concept as other post and bid sites, only the cool twist is that you do not post and bid on merchandise. Instead, you post and bid on projects! No matter what you need help with, you can simply post the project you need help with and people can send in bids for the job. Then you, the poster, can look through the bids and find the person they want to hire.

This is great for people needing work, or those who simply want a side job. You can even set it up so you receive emails letting you know about jobs you are interested in, when they are posted! How easy is that? If you want work, some extra cash, or need a project completed, you should check out, today!

Feeling less tired!

I noticed, over the weekend, that I am feeling a lot less tired than I was last week and even the week before that. I had more energy to get some things around the house done, which was really nice! I finished some sewing and other crafty stuff that needed to be done. We were able to get some cleaning done in the apartment which felt really good, and we look forward to getting it totally done before Emry arrives :)

Everyone Loves Gossip!

Don't lie, you know you love gossip! I am not talking about being mean about other people, either. I am talking about the daily happenings about what is going on. We love to share the "inside scoop" with others, even if we heard it from a 3rd party source. We don't care who tells us or who we tell, we just like to share info!

I try not to gossip too much, but from time to time, I definitely share things on my blog dealing with things I hear, or see in the news. I have a fairly good sized following who keep up on what I write, so it is always fun to share the juicy information with them! If you like to share or hear gossip, you are going to love the Gossip Girl on The CW!

The Gossip Girl loves to stir the pot and bring up juicy information that she finds out. She posts gossip about her "fellow Upper East Siders consequently stirring the pot and feeding potential rivalries in this exclusive and vicious circle of friends." It is not known, who this "Gossip Girl" is, but it would be very interesting to find out! Is he part of the "in crowd" or is he an "outsider?" This new American television teen drama created by Josh Schwartz, creator of The O.C., should be very entertaining and will focus on "the lives of socialite young adults growing up on New York's Upper East Side who attend elite academic institutions whilst dealing with sex, drugs, and other teenage issues." All, while the Gossip Girl helps stir the pot and helps make things even more interesting!

Do not miss this great new show! Catch the the first season of Gossip Girl as it will start on Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Grad School

Well, classes start today! time has flown by soooo fast! before we know it, Emry will be here... WOW! We are really excited to start grad school but also a little nervous. it will be very challenging, but the rewards of it are definitely going to outweigh the costs. Josh found out that in order to graduate he will need to carry a 3.0 GPA! That is crazy! I told him I would be really nervous if it was me..

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Waismann Method really works!

Are you tired of all the drug detox programs that just throw you for a loop? I know I have talked to too may people who have tried different programs, only to relapse. can help you get back on your feet, and they have better success rates than other drug detox programs.

The form of detox that they use is revolutionary and is called the Waismann Method and their advanced treatment is called rapid detox. With rapid detox, you can get back on your feet in days, instead of weeks or months. As one person said, "Rapid detox revolutionized the treatment of opiate addictions almost 10 years ago, allowing patients to return to a productive life in a matter of days and eliminating the need to spend months in and out of hospitals or rehabilitation programs."

If you, or someone you know has an addiction, please don't miss this opportunity to find out how the Waismann Method can help!

Feeling Better

today is a lot better than yesterday, as i am feeling a lot better. we did go out of the house to get some things done and exchange some stuff, and the heat did start to get to me, but that is pretty normal and i dont have any of the sickness symptoms that i had yesterday! Thank you Lord!!!! we are just going to relax the rest of the day, which will be nice. and then tomorrow will be relaxing too. i love weekends when josh is here and we can just chill :)

Scuba Divers Paradise

When we went on our cruise this past summer, we had the opportunity to go Scuba Diving, which was a ton of fun! Ever since then, we have wanted to go again, but aren't sure where to go. We want to make sure we find a really good spot and I found this great site that will be able to help us do just that! is a great new site where every scuba diver should visit. They have great information and tips that are good for every level of scuba diver. I really like how easy the site is to use and all of the options they have. Since I will already have someone to go with, I won't need this cool option, but for those who are interested, you can even use their buddy finder to find a scuba diving buddy.

Of course, the best part of the site is looking through all the hot spots and getting to decide which is the place for us! We were able to scuba dive in South America last time, so we may look at staying closer to home and looking in North America, this time.

Go ahead and get over to and join the forums where you will be able to ask questions and talk with other scuba diving fans!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Ethan is loving Arizona!

So, I talked to a friend of mine that got married last month. Ethan got married and moved to Arizona. He spent a lot of time looking at Arizona real estate and really liked his experience. He said that he was able to find exactly what they wanted and got a really good price, too. He has started teaching and is loving that, as well. Not to mention, his wife is job searching and seems to be having a lot of luck, as well. She loves their new house and says they were able to find such a great deal that they didn't have to settle for an apartment, which is really great! I am glad they are liking it so much, we will have to go visit them sometime soon!

Great Room Repairs

Well, it was about time for the chairs in the Great Room to get repaired. They were all starting to look pretty bad and the coverings on them were starting to tear pretty bad, too. I had them look into getting some bar stools for the Great Room and I think they are going to listen to me, as residents would love to use them! They would get much more use out of those, than the heavier chairs that can't be moved around the room at all. I just hope they get them soon, and it isn't something that sits on the back burner for a long time.

Feeling better

well, it took just about all day, but i am feeling a lot better. i talked to my dad and he asked if maybe it was something i ate at the pot luck dinner. i told him i had some food with mayo in it and he had a good point, saying that sometimes those foods can cause some stomache stuff when they are prepared and sit out for a while, before eating them. no matter where i got the bug from, i am glad it is over quickly, as i need all my energy for Emry:)

Find the support you need!

I have had many friends who have gone through some sort of drug treatment. One of the hardest things is for them to get out of treatment and not have a support system waiting for them. Well, there are some great drug forums that people can go to, but most just don't know about them. There should not be anyone left without a support system, and that is exactly what these forums can provide!

A place where people can share and discuss their drug addiction treatment experience with other people, who know what they are going through. It is a great place to meet others going through the same thing and find people who you can connect with and help keep each other moving forward. If you, or someone you know could use a support system, don't mess around, check out these great drug forums, today!

Oozball was today

I wish i felt better! I really wanted to go out and watch oozball. For those of you who don't know what oozball is, it is basically mud volleyball. it is SOOO much fun! i was able to play 1 year and had a blast. I dont think it would have been smart for me to play this year, and it turns out i am not feeling well today anyways. i have been seeing some people walk back into the building, today, all muddy, so i know it is going on. They all have smiles, as i am sure they are having a blast!!

Let Dr. Allen Gustafson help!

If you are suffering from any sort of joint problems, do not wait any longer to get it treated! Josh has had knee problems for some time, ever since college. He tore it up and it hasn't really been the same ever since. Well, I was reading about Dr. Allen Gustafson, who is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon. He is very well known for his joint replacement and reconstruction procedures.

Gustafson Orthopedics can help give you a great evaluation and accurate diagnosis. Their treatment won't stop there, as they can help give you recommendations and of course perform any surgical operation, you may need on your joints. Josh has knee problems, maybe you need a hip replacement or a shoulder looked at. Let Dr. Gustafson help you out, today!

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Not feeling well

Woke up in the night many times not feeling well. it feels like emry is pushing all my organs and i have no room to breath or for food to go. I have felt a bit pukie the last couple days, and it reminds me of the first couple of months of pregnancy. Josh has come and checked on me today and helped me get food, but i wish he didnt have to work, i want him home. I can't wait for oct. 27th to come !:)

Great Deals!

we ended up getting some really good deals last night, but we were there MUCH longer than we wanted to be. the lines to check out were insane and there were hundreds of people waiting in them. We got there at 8pm and shopped until just around 9pm. Then we saw the line was sooooo long, so we decided to chill against the wall and just wait for the line to die down. well, it just kept getting longer and longer, so we decided to wait until the place closed it's doors. that way the line could only get shorter. well, the line started to get shorter around 10pm, but it was still VERY long and slow, so we walked around shopping. we finally got in line when it had gone way down, but we did not get out of there until 2am!!!! we ended up getting home at 2:30am!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Lap band is the way to go!

Have you heard of the Lap band System Procedure? I had not heard of it until recently, and it sounds like a great alternative to the stomach surgery that so many people are getting, now adays, for obesity. I know many people who have gotten their stomach stappled and then have had complications. Well, not anymore!

Journey Lite specilizes in Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding. While the concept is the same as the traditional surgery, in that it reduces the stomach capacity and restricts the amount of food that can be consumed, it is much safer and can be adjusted.

Basically, "during the procedure your Journey Lite surgeon will use laparoscopic techniques. This means that he or she will be making tiny incisions (rather than a large incision) and inserting special long-shafted instruments through these tiny incisions in order to wrap the inflatable silicone band around the upper part of your stomach. A narrow camera is passed through one of the incisions so your Journey Lite surgeon can view the operative site on a nearby video monitor. Like a wristwatch, the LAP-BAND ® is fastened around the upper stomach to create the new stomach pouch that limits and controls the amount of food you eat. The band is then locked securely in a ring around the stomach."

While I do not need this done to me, personally, I do know many people who have thought about these types of operations, and this just seems like a great way to go! Check out more about the lap band operation and let Journey Lite help answer your questions.

Almost time to go!

we are going to get so many good deals tonight!!! well, i hope so anyways:) we dont have a lot of money, but if it really is as cheap as garage sales, then we wont need a lot of we are hoping to get some odds and ends, and maybe anything else that we think of on the spot. Josh wants to look for some "cool" clothes for Emry. I love that he takes that role on and likes to help in that way. most guys have no clue how to dress a child..:)

Done organizing

I am soooo tired! I honestly get so wiped out by doing the littlest things. I mean, i did go to the shower today and got up fairly early, so maybe i should be tired.. but it seems like i shouldnt. i took the time to unpack everything and organize it in Emry's room, which is nice to have out of the way. I love that we have a number of items that we will be able to use for him once he is a bit older. will be nice to not have to go out and buy those things. I am going to go lay down in a little bit, to be ready for tonight!!!

Karisma Hotels!

Have you always wanted a get away that you would never forget? Well, it is time that you fulfill that dream by staying at a Karisma Hotel! Don't just dream about spending time on the beaches or staying in an amazing hotel along the Riviera Maya in Mexico, make it happen and let Karisma Hotels help you!

They have a genuine commitment to fulfill your vacation dreams and they know just how to do it! They are always trying to improve their properties by looking at them through the eyes of a guest. If it is what the guest wants, then they try to make it happen! If you are looking for great resorts, amazing service, unique amenities, innovative dining, and of course exceptional vacation experience, then Karisma Hotels is just what you are looking for!

UNI loses player:(

Well, we were excited about Culliver, a player for UNI.. but it appears he has left the team due to some legal issues. I guess it is good that we got rid of him if he isn't going to be a model player, but it still hurts our guard spot. we are loaded at other positions, but could have really used him at the PG spot this season. Hopefully we have someone really step up there, this year with Brooks gone.

Great Gifts!

we got some really cool gifts today! We are sitting pretty good when it comes to putting together Emry's collection of needs:) We have a few things left to get, like cloth diapers, but for the most part, we are set. We have 1 class left and then it is just waiting time:) We do have a baby appointment tomorrow, which will be fun, so we look forward to that! will hook you up!

If you have a car, as most of you do, then you have probably experienced your radiator going out on you, at some point. I know we have and it is never fun. You can spend so much time looking around and not finding what you are looking for, or having them be out of stock. Well, it is time you check out, the leading online source for radiators and cooling components! can help you find what you need, when you need it! No matter whether you need a Honda Radiator or a different one, they have what you need! has many different locally owned warehouses and hubs that help ensure that the part you need will be available but also make sure it will be delivered in a timely manner! I suggest keeping in mind, for the next time you are in need!

Hillarious prank on Danny Ferry!

So, as you know North Carolina and Duke do NOT like each other. Well Danny Ferry went to Duke and played basketball. He is now an executive with the Cleveland Cavs and it appears someone went into his office and made it all North Carolina!..haha.. I thought it was just something hanging on the wall at first, but it is actually PAINTED!

Baby sale!

tonight there is a sale thing that goes on in Fort Worth that we are going to. We were able to get special tickets that will allow us to go before the public gets to go (tomorrow), so hopefully we will get some great deals. i have heard that the clothes are like garage sale prices and it is one of the biggest in the nation. living in the area we do, i am sure we will be able to get some great deals! I will have to post them when we get back :)

Get great HD footage through AlwaysHD!

Wow, that is all I can say. I ran across AlwaysHD today and they have an amazing site. I have never seen a site where you can look through and purchase great professional stock footage, online! They have a ton of different kinds of footage and are getting more hd stock all the time. Basically, all kinds of talented cinematographers and producers from all over the world send their footage to AlwaysHD. The footage is then used to market everyone from production companies to independent filmmakers. The benefit to the contributing cinematographer is that they can receive profits when someone purchases their footage.

If you are a buyer, it is easy! you can go to their site, look around, and if you like what you see, sign up. When you purchase footage, it comes royalty free, so you can go ahead and use it without having limitations! This is a great site and you need to check it out for yourself!

Class last night.

It went great! I can't believe we are already done with 2 of the 3 classes. those 3 hours go by really fast. i am never that comfortable in those seats, but i dont really mind. we got to go over a lot of coping techniques and relaxation techniques to use before and during labor. i think it will help a lot with the pain and help stay focused. I didnt think we would learn as much as we are, but we really have learned a LOT of stuff, which is good.. money well spent:)

Baby Shower!

Today we are having a baby shower! We were just told last week. Josh's boss called us and asked if we wanted one... we were like... YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS... who wouldn't want one?:) it will be so much fun to have something that is for our baby! I did have to wake up a little earlier than normal, but it is totally worth it! Plus, I don't get to see all the people that josh works with all that much, so this will be fun... and everyone is bringing food too!:)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Our old computer is so slow!

It has gotten to the point that we have erased everything we can afford to, and it is still slow. I am in the process of putting all of our photos online and we are looking at getting some more Dell Memory, too. It will help a lot once we clean up the hard drive and get more memory. We will start putting our new stuff onto our new computer and then just use our older one for papers and internet use. I can't wait until we get some more memory on that thing!

Titans on Monday Night Football!

I guess it is the first time in forever that the Titans have played on a Monday night. I have a friend who loves them and was telling me about it. I know that Josh has already been asked to change his staff meeting to a different time, just to allow for the Titan fans to watch the game. I doubt he will change the meeting time, but I think is is kind of funny that they want to watch them so bad. I would like to see Vince Young play, as he is on our fantasy team..haha.. that is about the only reason though:)

Maybe we'll run away to Florida:)

I know I have been saying how busy we are, a lot. Sorry that you have to listen to me complain, as I really don't mean it to sound like that. I was thinking maybe we would just run away and look for some Orlando real estate. I bet that would be really relaxing! I would love to move to Orlando, although that would just move us even further away from family. Orlando is beautiful though and very tempting! I have been there many times and always love visiting that area of the United States!


I can't wait until tonights Birth Class... today has been longggggggg.. I have been on the phone all day with grad school stuff, computer stuff, etc and am really ready to relax. some would say birth class isnt relaxing, but i really think it is. I love anything to do with getting ready for Emry! We will get away from campus too, which is always nice to do, since it is not really possible most of the time. I CAN'T WAIT!

Dang you Vikings!

We are officially done with 2 weeks of the NFL season and my Vikings are 1-1. Not to bad considering they dont have a QB. Jackson shows some promise, but his decision making is horrible! he really looks like a small school QB out there, most of the time. I was hoping to get Byron Leftwich since he was cut. I know he gets hurt a lot, but he is a very solid QB, and that is really the only area we are hurting in. Our Defense is awesome (weird to say about a Vikings team) and our running game is amazing! Jackson has to be leading the NFL in interceptions after throwing 4 more this past week. How did we let Byron Leftwich slip away to the falcons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Regency Beauty Schools!

Are you interested in beauty school? I have a lot of friends who either went right to beauty school and are now working, or went to college for a year or two and then decided to switch to beauty school. They all love it and have mentioned how great of an experience they had. Well, if you are interested in hair schools, then you need to check out Regency.

Regency is not just some small school, they are the fastest growing beauty school in the country, spanning nine states and having over 30 campuses! They are excited about growing, as Regency's president and CEO stated, “We are excited to bring our unique approach to cosmetology education to new markets. Our campuses mirror upscale salons and provide an exceptional education that benefits our students, the salon community, and the public.”

If you, or someone you know, is interested in beauty school, do not pass up the opportunity to attend one of the fastest growing schools in the nation!


I am so excited. the one thing i wanted to do with our new computer is get our program for making slide shows up on it. we paid a lot for it and it can only be on one computer. the thing is, we already have it on our old computer so we cant just move it over, wont let us. so, i called the company and they were REALLY nice. the lady walked me through what to do. she got it up and running on our new computer!!! it runs sooooo much faster and will be awesome to use on it. also, instead of giving us the same old version of it, she gave us the newest version, just for being customers! how cool is that?!?!

Grad School Stuff

our money is on the way... well, it was supposed to be issued to us last week... then we called and they said this past monday... then when it didnt show up in our account, we called and they said today... so today we called and they told us we had to send an email to some person in order to get it released to us.... ahhhhh, we have asked many times if there is anything else we need to do, and they always say.. "no, y'all are good to go"... and then this... frustrating!

ENGO Blister Prevention Patches get Seal of Approval!

Tamarack Habilitation Technologies have an awesome product that has been awarded the National Health & Wellness Club Seal of Approval! This product is ENGO Blister Prevention Patches. I often wonder why I didn't think of this product, as it seems like such an easy thing to come up with, yet no one did until now.

The patches were tested by being sent to many NHWC members to try, and everyone seemed to love them! There are a lot of great testimonials, that will be published online, in the near future. The patches are great at preventing blisters and relieving pain from existing blisters. These patches are great for Foot Pain Relief. Not to mention, they are very reasonably priced and easy to use!

If you are on your feet a lot, then you should check them out!

Club A-Hall

tonight is the 2nd annual club a-hall event. last year we had over 500 people attend and this year looks to be great, as well! we are hoping not quite as many people show up, but that the amount of people that we do end up having, we can accommodate a little better than last year. We have birth class during some of the event so we will miss some of it, but we will definitely show up when we get back!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Birth Class... week 2

well, tomorrow is week 2 of 3 in our birth class. we learned a lot last week and are looking forward to this week. well, i know i am since it is all about massages..haha.. I will be the one benefiting from this weeks class... but hey.. dont i deserve it? i have to carry around the baby, after all:) i love to carry the baby, but i will take all the massages i can get! we also had to do some homework, watching a video and reading some book. We will really enjoy whatever it is we talk about tomorrow, im sure! After all, anything dealing with our Emry, is exciting!

Cellular Sales is the way to go!

We have been Verizon Wireless customers for a long time, and love them. If you are looking at getting a cell phone, you should really look into cellular sales. They will be able to help you every step of the way.

Cellular Sales is one of Verizon Wireless' largest authorized retailers, not to mention they are also one of the fastest growing companies in America! They have a genuine focus on customer satisfaction, and are continuing to improve by starting Once up and running, you will be able to have a local mobile expert hand deliver your phone at the same time you sign the paperwork. They will be able to teach you to use the phone. If that doesn't sound appealing, there will also be an in-store pickup option.

Cellular Sales is a trusted retailer and now they are expanding their business even further. Their great customer service will now be available via the internet. Be sure to check them out the next time you are searching for a cell phone plan!

MAC Ribbon Cutting

So, today was the MAC ribbon cutting! What is the MAC? well it stands for Maverick Activities Center and it is awesome! they spent over a million dollars on furniture and another on equipment. The project costs 34 million dollars total. They are starting faze 2 in a few days, which will be re-doing the other half of the old MAC. It is seriously one of the coolest activity buildings in the nation. It is going to be such a great recruiting tool for UTA!!


I think it is really addicting. both of us will sit and just blog for hours and not even know it. I know some people who hate it, and i used to... until i started i love it because you can share your thoughts with everyone. i mean, i dont really say anythign too mushy on here, but i do like to keep people up to date on our lives and how we are doing.

Great Picnic Table Cover by Brookstone!

All during my childhood years we had a picnic table, no matter where we lived. In Iowa, the weather can get very harsh and it sure does a number on anything outdoors, especially to the picnic tables. Having Picnic Table Covers is always a good idea, but it is a must when you are dealing with weather conditions that Iowa presents. Brookstone has helped solve some of the problem, by offering great Picnic Table Covers!

I was very happy to find such a quality cover, as we think about winter getting closer. I know we live in Texas now, but I know a lot of my family would love a cover like this. I would even say it would still be a good investment to get one for our picnic table here in Texas, as it can still protect it from all the elements that tend to wear down a picnic table, such as wind, rain, and extreme heat.

I am definitely going to look into getting one and sharing this great find with my family and friends! I suggest checking them out for yourself to see just how great they are!


I love this new computer!! wow, it is just sooo much faster than our other computer. i know i have already talked about it, but it is really true. i dont think i realize how slow our old on is until i get on here..haha.. it does everything a lot faster. not to mention i love the keyboard. it is so smooth. most laptops have tiny keys that are hard to use, but not this one. it is really easy to use and i havent had trouble getting used to it at all. the comptuer looks really cool too, since it is white.. it says "special adition" on it:)

So much to do

When we sit here and look at what we want to do before Emry gets here, we are like... WOW... there is so much to do... We will get it all done, but preparing for a baby is a lot of work.. i know i know.. you are all saying.. "duh!"... but it is really breathtaking. it is some of the best times ever, but it is work. dont let anyone tell you otherwise. we are going to keep enjoying all of the work though, and we will get it all done. we are getting soooo close!

Let Krillion make your life easier!

One thing we have learned living in Texas is that it gets really hot, and when it gets hot, things break down! This is where Krillion steps in. Krillion is able to help you find what you are need. Not only can they help you find what you are looking for, but they will actually tell you where you can buy it!

Ok, for example, your oven breaks down and you need to replace is quickly. Most of us would jump online, search for the best oven we can find, and then go out and try to find a store that carries it. Well, Krillion will do you one better. By using their search engine you can simply type in something like Whirlpool Ovens and they will give you a list of options and where you can get them. So, once you are done searching, you can simply hop in your car and pick up the item you were looking for! Shopping for these large household appliances has never been so easy! I suggest checking them out for yourself! Keep an eye out for additions to their site, such as Flat Panel TV searches and even home and garden.

Talking some family trash

Our fantasy football team is doing well, so far. We are currently 2-0 and tied for first place with the only other undefeated team. Our team is called Sankey Slammers and the other undefeated team is called Scotties Speedsters. It just so happens that is the team of my brother in law. We have to talk some trash, and it turns out that we actually meet in this weeks matchup, so there will only be 1 team left undefeated and 1 team with bragging rights :)... we all know it will be us!!!

Moving our photos

For the past couple weeks we have been in the process of moving all of the photos off of our desktop computer and onto flicker. it is a great site and we can store all of our photos there. of course we back them all up on our external hard drive, but having them on flicker is really nice too. we will eventually erase all the pictures off of our computer when we get them all onto flicker and the external hard drive.

Martin Worldwide

If your business needs help in the area of direct marketing, then Martin Worldwide is definitely who you want helping you! Martin Worldwide is one of the leaders in direct marketing and offers many unique mailing list products to its clients. They have many Travel leads that can definitely help your business! Martin Worldwide can help you reach anyone from amusement park enthusiasts, to domestic and international travelers.

One reason they are so good at what they do is due to all the research and time they have put into it. ResponseCom is one of the results of all their hard work. Within the databases are over 100 different demographic and psychographic selects. These selects will help you reach exactly who you are looking for, and will surely help your business!

Don't take my word for it, check out Martin Worldwide, today, and see how they can help you!

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We got a new computer today! it is mainly going to be for grad school, but it will be both of ours to use, too. it is soooo fast and has so much room! we tried to go out and basically get the best of everything that we could find. we want it to last a long time. It is an HP Laptop, which are some of the best computers out there, right now.

Monday, September 17, 2007

We heard Emry's heart beat!

So, about 7 months ago we bought this cheap device from Target. It is basically a microphone that you put on your belly and it has headphones attached. Well, it claimed on the package that you would be able to hear the baby's heart beat at 20 weeks, which was a bunch of bull..haha... well, we have continued to try it and at about 33 weeks we finally heard it with it.

We went to our midwife and told her about the cool news and she informed us that later in pregnancy some fathers can lay their head on the wifes stomache and actually hear the baby's heart beat without a microphone or anything! Of course, we ran home and tried it:)

Josh laid his head on my tummy and sure enough, he could hear Emry's heart beat! How cool is that?!?! We have been telling everyone

Less than 40 days till birth:)

Freeze It really works!

Do you ever get sore muscles or suffer from joint pain or even tendinitis? If you do, then you are in the same boat as I am. I have had minor back problems since I was in high school, and have tried a lot of different things to help it. Of course, having my husband give me back rubs helps some, but sometimes you just need something more and it is so hard to find something that actually works. Well, I was recently given a sample of Freeze It to try, and turned out really liking it!

Freeze It Advanced Therapy Pain Relief Gel is great for minor pain associated with anything from back pain, to bruising. I loved that it helped so much and performed better than most brands I have tried in the past. AND, it is stain-free, greasless, and doesn't smell horrible like some gels. Did I mention how affordable it is?

Overall, I was very impressed by Freeze It and it helped my back pain go down, almost right away! I will definitely look into buying some. I think I might try their roll-on version, next time. If you suffer from any sort of minor pains, like I do, you should really look at trying Freeze It!

Don't forget to check out their cool commercial, too!

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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Starting to video tape Emry:)

We bought some new video tapes so we can start taping Emry when he moves. We tried tonight but he got camera shy..haha.. We had fun doing it though. We also watched some videos that we were to watch before our next birth class. We are starting to feel like some of the information is repetitive, which is good because that means we are remembering it:) We will definitely keep everyone posted on how the classes are going :)

Great Halloween Costume Contest!

I ran across this great idea that I totally took advantage of! We are always looking for unique and fun things to do, so today I entered a costume into this great Halloween costume contest! Not only is it a lot of fun to see what others think of your costume, it is also a great way to win some sweet prizes! Why not have some fun and enter something that could win you some prizes?

These aren't just little gifts either! The first place winner will be chosen by from the top 50 entries. They will win 2 three day passes to the 2007 VME Event in New Orleans Halloween Weekend, $1000 for travel and lodging, $100 to and featured on their site! Not to mention that 2nd place gets $100 credit at, too!

I would suggest getting over to their site and entering today! If you need help thinking of costume ideas, just check out Star Costumes and I am sure you will come up with some great ideas!

Don't forget to check out my costume entry and vote for me!:) Oh, and you have to read the poem I made about my costume!

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, as hard as you might try, remember that I look more like Ashton.. Than YOU!

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Our poor fantasy team needs a QB!

Well, since Manning was hurting, I started Young. He did get 1 TD and some rushing yards, but not near enough points to make us contendors for the championship. I need to make a trade, and I need to do it soon! We would love to get carson palmer! He has some major weapons on that team and he gets a lot of passing TD's which are great in fantasy leagues!

Stop wishing you could play the piano, and learn!

I have always wanted to know how to play the piano. My sister has always been very good and I have always meant to take lessons. The only thing holding me back has been the money it costs for lessons. Well, I found this great online Piano Chords Blog where I can learn to play the piano for free! They give free piano lessons and cover everything from piano chords, music theory, modulation, sheet music lessons, and much more!

I have always thought I was too old to learn until I read a cool article on this blog which talked about a 94 year old man who learned! I have to tell myself to stop thinking I am too old and it costs too much money. Especially now that I can learn for free through this great Piano Chords Blog! If you have always wanted to play an instrument, this is your chance! Take this great opportunity and check out this great informational site!

Blake's truck would have helped a lot!

Buying our antique dresser has been the icing on the cake for our nursery! We LOVE it! When we planned the room and decided to get the dresser, we were told it would be 51 inches tall. We measured our SUV and the back end was exactly 55 inches. Well, we showed up and found out that it was actually 65 inches tall. We squished our seats allll the way up, and we made it home... somehow. If I would have known it was that tall, we would have borrowed Blake's Truck. Even with the truck toolbox in the back, it is well longer than 65 inches long. I guess we learned our lesson.

Need help answering some of your parenting questions?

In just over a month we will be parents! We have so many questions and there are so many different places to go to find answers to our questions. One place I trust for parenting resources is! This site is a massive search engine and has over 120,000 reviews of stores, baby products, classes, doctors, and even dining spots. You can get answers to almost all your questions!

The reviews that provides are provided by real parents, so you can trust what you read. I know we have all kinds of questions about such things as, where to buy maternity clothes, where to get Emry's hair cut, and where we can buy other baby products. makes it easy, as you can easily search their site and find the answers to these questions, and more. If you are like us and have questions about parenting, let help you out!

Friday, September 14, 2007

OJ Simpson Robbed a hotel!!!!

hahaha, it just keeps getting worse for him, doesn't it! Well, I guess it is better since he got away with murder, but his life has been pretty crappy ever since.. Apparently a victim said that they were sure it was former NFL star O.J. Simpson that was involved. I guess Simpson is cooperating with the police, which is good. If you want to read this crazy story, check it out here!

Eli Manning, you better not cost us the game!

Eli Manning is most likely not going to play this weekend, after hurting himself in the 4th quarter of last weeks game against the Cowboys. I don't like to see people get hurt, but I honestly don't have a big attachment to Eli...... except that he is on my fantasy football team and he got me a ton of points last week! Now he is likely not going to be playing, and I really hope it doesn't cost us the game. I have Vince Young to play, but he looked crappy last week, so lets just hope Vince can step it up this week! GO SANKEY'S SLAMMERS!

Gamers, check out SumGiant!

There are so many sites now devoted to all kinds of specialties. I have seen sites that are devoted to sports forums to specific video games. Well, I ran across one of the most unique ones so far, and it is SumGiant. They help you track all of your gaming "feats" store the information for you! I am not a huge gamer, but the concept of this site is really cool! I know that all the members of "Gamers on Campus" would love it too!

If you are tired of memorizing all of your gaming accomplishments like a lot of others, then maybe you keep notebooks. Or maybe a word document if you are really smart. Well, throw those ideas out the window, because SumGiant is definitely the way to go! By using their site you can select a specific game, look at all of the different feats there are to accomplish, and then you can simply check off the box of each feat, as you accomplish it. One of the other cool things, is that after you finish the feat, it will add the goal and the point value for that goal to your profile!

SumGiant is totally free and easy to sign up for! Simply visit their site, register for an account, and start having fun! Don't hesitate to contact them with any questions you may have and check out their FAQ section.

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43 days and counting!!!

We realized that we only have 43 days left until the arrival of our little boy! We can't wait for him to be born! Tonight we are going to clean some more. Emry's nursery is very clean, but that is about the only room that is..haha.. we are going to work on cleaning the rest of the apartment tonight. Then we will go out with some friends to eat and then go bowling. Should be a lot of fun!

Watching the big game!

Now that Football has started, it seems we end up watching a lot of it! We always debate if how loud it should be. One of us thinks it should be on the loudest, the other (depending out our moods) is always suggesting turning the sound off and just using the closed captioning. Well, it never turns out to be that big of a deal and we always come to a conclusion, but in a small apartment, the noise level of our TV or anything else can sure end up being a big deal. I guess we are lucky if that is the most stressful part of our day:)

Getting concert tickets!

We wanted to get out and do something fun, so we thought it might be fun to go to a concert. It is hard because neither of us ever agree on what concert to go to... if it is Josh's idea, it is hard rock, if it is Diana's idea it is pop... it is pulling teeth with us:) Well, we have thought of all kinds of artists, from getting Hannah Montana tickets, to switchfoot tickets. Now it is just going to come down to agreeing on 1! Maybe our friends and family can help us decide!

Could have used good batteries!

So, by now you all know that our TV broke. Well, when that all happened, we had to open the TV up and look inside of it. Being such a big TV, meant that we definitely needed a flashlight to look into it. Well, I looked all over the house for a flashlight, and when I finally found one, it wouldn't work. I opened it up and found that I had used some generic batteries and they had ruined the flashlight. Man do I wish I would have used a good battery! That flashlight cost a lot of money. I won't make that mistake again!

Class went well!

We went to birth class for the first time on Wednesday night. It went really well! It was pretty long since it was 3 hours, but overall, it was a great learning experience. We got to learn a lot about the female body..haha.. some of it was kind of Then we spend a good amount of time learning some good stretches and boy do I want to let you know, I am glad no one was wearing any crotchless panty's in there, otherwise there would have been a show for everyone! We were very impressed with the lady running the class and we can't wait for next week!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Birth Class tomorrow!!!

While most of you are probably thinking, "that sounds boring".... we are actually really excited about going to birth class! We never knew they were so expensive, so we tried to find someone that was reasonably priced. we found someone and we start tomorrow. We go for 3 weeks and it is for 3 hours each week. We aren't sure what to expect, but it should be a great opportunity for us to get to ask some of the questions we have.

Also, it will be fun because we are the only ones taking it at that time, so it will be 1 on 1, which is very nice and private. We didn't really want to take a class with 100 other couples in there.

I will definitley update everyone on how the first class goes:)

Relax? What is that? :)

There is no such thing as relaxing anymore, and it will only get busier as the arival date gets closer:) We want to have an evening where we can sit down and relax, but that just can't happen.. there is so much to do before Emry gets here and we also have a lot of other stuff to do, as well. we dont mind though, as it is totally going to be worth it to see Emry's smile!

Tonight, we thought we were going to have a relaxing evening, and then we remembered that we are going to be swamped the next few days and if we wanted to get anything done around the house, we needed to do that tonight. Well, we got a lot done, and now we are going to attempt to relax:)

Just pray we can keep going as we are both starting to get really tired.. I know I know.. "just wait until the baby comes"..haha.. i hear it all the time:)

Coupon Chief has some great deals, this holiday season!

Well, it is time to start thinking of gifts again. I was out shopping yesterday and saw that they are starting to put out all the Halloween stuff. Pretty soon Thanksgiving will be here and then it will be Christmas, before we know it! That means, it is definitely time to start thinking of gifts for each family member.

I know that Diana will want something practical. She isn't into gifts that are just cool, they have to have a purpose. I went online and started online shopping and found just the thing! Diana will likely want a ton of baby clothes, car seats, and other baby items, from Target. They have a great supply and they have great Target Coupons at!

Of course, I don't want to forget Emry, who will likely want a sweet new computer! Well, Dell is the way to go, and has some great Dell Deals on computers! Check out their deal on new Inspiron Desktops!

If you are looking to buy gifts for loved ones, head over to, today!

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When are you going to make a move?

I have been waiting to see what the Mavericks next move will be, but am still waiting. I check their site daily in hopes of seeing Webber or Brown's name as someone they have signed. I would love to see a big guy like that signed to the Mavs. It is getting closer to the season, and I am starting to worry. I sure hope they pick one of those guys up, as they could both help us defensively and offensively!

Want to know more about electronic closing?

Have you heard about electronic closing? I hadn't either, until just the other day. Basically what electronic closing is doing, is eliminating paper and providing an entirely electronic closing process for completing mortgages. This will end up saving everyone from the lenders, to the borrowers tons of money!

Just to help you understand, with the traditional mortgage process, loan documents are created and stored as paper files. To reduce costs in process and storage, the eMortgage process use electronic closing where loan documents are converted to an electronic format and stored. From this electronic format, documents can be audited, executed, transferred, and archived.

This process is something to get excited about! Companies who are helping their process and saving us money, I am all for it! Check out this electronic closing process and see the benefits for yourself.

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Sock Monkey

I have ALWAYS wanted one! I knew I could probably make one but never found a pattern to use. I was shopping a while back and finally found a place that carries the pattern, and bought it. I finished it this morning and it looks adorable! I am going to put it in Emry's nursery since it looks vintage :) I find myself just sitting in there most of the day, when I don't have anything else to do. Even when Josh came home, I was sitting in Emry's room:) Can't wait to see him!!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Let Mother Earth Paper help you make a great gift!

Do you care about the environment? I know so many people who are getting more into recycling, including myself, and I love it! I am always trying to find ways to conserve paper products, and now, with Mother Earth Paper -- Makers of the World's Greenest Gifts I can even get really cool gifts made out of left over wrapping paper!

The coolest thing that they can do, in my opinion, is their "Gift Treasure Paper" where you collect the paper and the flowers that you want to be used. Then all you have to do is send it to them with paid postage and they will hand craft you a beautiful, one-of-a-kind, piece of recycled paper.

I saw another cool idea that deals with a babies first birthday. They have a cool example of taking the wrapping paper from the gifts, and turning into a cool piece of paper with a message on it. I am thinking of doing this for Emry's birth next month! What a cool keep sake!

You definitely can't understand just how neat this service is, without checking it out for yourself. Get over to and check them out for yourself.

First Meeting

Well, it is that time again.. the first staff meeting is here which means I get to be home alone for a couple hours. I have some sewing to do, which will keep me busy, but I'll miss Josh. I guess if i get to bored, I can always sit in Emry's nursery:) That is our new hang out spot..haha

Can't wait until Black Friday!

YES! It is just about that time again.. What time am I talking about? Well, I don't know about you, but I look forward to Black Friday, each year! I know it is total chaos, but I love getting some of those great thanksgiving deals! Last year I was able to get a flat screen TV for over 200 dollars off the original price! The only thing I don't like is waiting in those HOT lines at 5am!!! Well, that is all about to change!

What I mean is, you can now shop for Black Friday items in the comfort of your own home! You will not only have a ton of Black Friday ads to look at, but you will also be able to surf popular named stores for great deals! My favorite is looking at all of the Toys R Us deals!!! No more standing in line! I suggest getting over and checking out all the deals for yourself!

Aren't convinced yet? Well, they also offer email alerts to let you know when new Black Friday ads have been posted. They make their site easy to use and have some of the best deals you will find anywhere! Why go out at 5am to stand in a line, when you can sit at home and shop!

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General David Petraeus or "General Betray us?".. The LEFT makes me SICK!

Well, here is another story of the crazy left! Politial Action paid for an ad that accuses Petraeus of "cooking the books for the White House" on progress being made in Iraq and calls him "a military man constantly at war with the facts." It was nice to see that some democratic leaders stood out and spoke out against the ad, but it didn't come until the House Minority Leader John Boehner, spoke out:

"Democratic leaders must make a choice today: Either embrace the character assassination tactics has leveled against the four-star general leading our troops in the fight against al Qaeda, or denounce it as disgraceful."

Of course, there were a few that spoke out against the ad, but stands by their ad, saying:

"Every major independent study and many major news organizations cast serious doubt on Petraeus' claims."

They went on to say,

"It should come as no surprise that General Petraeus' claims have come under critical scrutiny: The facts all point in one direction -- the surge isn't working -- and General Petraeus and the White House are pointing in another."

These statements show just how blind some of the left are. I have spoken with some high ranking officials and all think we have made mistakes, but ALL of them think we are making great progress and are looking forward to the new reports, as they think they will show very good progress. is just scared to read these reports, as it will prove all they have tried to fight against, is actually working. If I had wasted all my time on a stupid cause, I would be embarrassed to see the facts too.

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Really cool RC helicopters!

When I was a kid, the one thing I always loved, was remote control toys. I always had RC cars, but never got any RC helicopters. I always wanted one, but they were always too expensive or hard to find. Well, Hobby Warehouse has changed all that. They have a huge selection of RC Helicopters to pick from.

I didn't know there were so many different kinds of RC helicopters, until now. At Hobby Warehouse, you can also buy sweet upgrades for your helicopter or other RC Vehicles, like cars, planes, and boats. If you would like to find the RC helicopter you have always wanted, head over to Hobby Warehouse, today!

Hobby Warehouse carries a huge inventory of RC (Remote Control) Helicopters for you. Find the remote control Helicopter you have always wanted today. If you need any accessory to help enhance or upgrade your radio or remote control cars, airplanes, boats, or rc helicopters, you’re in the right place! You can find anything that you will need to improve and enhance your RC Vehicle here!

RC helicopters

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Let help you with your lighting needs!

If you or someone you know is looking for new lighting in their home, then you should take a look or point them to! They have a very wide range of light fixtures and will surely be able to help you out. Their site is very easy to navigate and they have everything from indoor lighting, to outdoor lighting.

When I say their site is easy to navigate, I really mean it. When you first look at their page, you will immediately see options that will help you find what you are looking for. If you are looking for indoor lighting, then you simply select "indoor lighting" and search for what you need. If you would rather search by room, they even have an option to shop by room, which is very handy.

Overall, their site is great for anyone who is looking for new lighting, and their selection is amazing. If you are looking for new lighting, you should start by checking out

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Great Las Vegas Luxury Properties!

I don't usually get to impressed by all of the luxury properties that there are in different areas. However, the Las Vegas luxury homes they have at Las Vegas Luxury Properties are something to be admired! They have some of the most beautiful Luxury Properties I have ever seen.

By visiting their site, you will get a small taste of what I mean. They have some great photos to look at and explain everything you will need to know, in detail. They have Golf & Country Club Homes, to Retirement Communities. I even saw that they have Luxury Condominiums with waterfront views! You will be able to select from many different locations within the Las Vegas area.

Visit Las Vegas Luxury Properties and check them out, today!

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My Vikings Rocked!!!

Ok, so I know that the Falcons were missing Vick, but who cares! The Vikings are without a real QB until Jackson proves himself, just like the Falcons. Overall, I was really impressed with the Vikes, and really impressed with Adrian Peterson! I knew he would be good, but I didn't think he would be this good, in his first game! I read that his average selection # in leagues was 75... I bet that will be the last time anyone takes him that low.. or even takes him out of the 1st round, for a longggg time! GO VIKES!

Have you visited Branson Missouri lately?

If you are thinking of taking a relaxing vacation, you may want to think about Branson Missouri. Planning a vacation to Branson is easy with the help of Branson Getaways, as they can help you answer just about all of the questions you may have.

When you visit the site, you will see an easy-to-navigate bar running down the left side of the site. By selecting one of the many options, you will be able to get many of your questions answered and be well on your way to planning your vacation. You can get anything answered, from lodging questions, to what shows are playing. I would suggest checking out what sort of package deals they have, as well.

If you are thinking of going to Branson Missouri, let Branson Getaways help you do the planning!

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The best radar dectector on the market!

I bet I have your attention now, don't I?!? Who wouldn't want the best radar detector there is! I know there are a ton of different radar detectors out there, but the Passport 9500i and Passport 8500 X50 are the top of the line. Both of them offer much longer range on both K and Ka band radar!

If you aren't sold yet, take a look at some of the Passport 9500i's other features, like being able to vary radar sensitivity based on the vehicle's speed, or permanently blocking out false alerts by location and specifi frequency, or even being able to store locations in memory and providing a reminder as you approach those locations! Now that is a sweet radar detector!

Don't take my word for it, head over to and find out for yourself!


Bodies of Tina Porter's children Sam and Lindsey Porter, found!

Just some news to share:

"KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Authorities believe they have found the remains of two Kansas City-area children missing since June 2004.

Tina Porter told The Kansas City Star that Independence police came to her home Sunday and told her that they were "99 percent sure" that her children's remains had been found.

Sam and Lindsey Porter were 7 and 8 years old when their father, Daniel Porter, picked them up from his estranged wife on June 5, 2004, for a weekend visit. The children's whereabouts have remained a mystery, and Daniel Porter has told several different stories about what happened to them....."

Here is the rest of the story!

Madeleine McCann's PARENTS are the suspected MURDERERS!

Breaking news in the case for missing Madeleine McCann:

"PORTIMAO, Portugal (CNN) -- After questioning the parents of a missing British girl last week, Portuguese police will hand over the Madeleine McCann case to the prosecutor's office Monday, police chief inspector Olegario De Sousa told CNN.

Kate and Gerry McCann -- who returned Sunday from Portugal with their two-year-old twins Sean and Amelie to their home in Rothley, England -- will have five days to present themselves to police in Portugal, De Sousa said.

Earlier it was revealed the couple are receiving legal advice from a lawyer who has previously acted for former Chilean dictator General Augusto Pinochet.

The McCanns have steadfastly denied any involvement in their daughter's disappearance in May, days before her fourth birthday.

Brian Kennedy, Kate McCann's uncle, told reporters Monday the McCanns are "holding up extremely well." The two-year-old twins "slept soundly," he added.

He could not comment on the legal situation, but said the McCanns would return to Portugal if they're asked to.

The McCanns will receive advice from Michael Caplan QC, who acted for Pinochet when Spain attempted to extradite him from the UK in 1999, the Press Association reported.

They are also said to be receiving advice from Angus McBride, a criminal lawyer who is experienced in protecting the reputation of those being investigated by the media or police.

A family friend said the two lawyers would advise the couple on more than just extradition but gave no further information, the Press Association reported.

After questioning the parents of a missing British girl last week, Portuguese police will hand over the Madeleine McCann case to the prosecutor's office sometime on Monday, police chief inspector Olegario De Souza told CNN....."

Click here for the rest of the story!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Do you want to be your own boss?

I know that we always discuss this topic in our home. How nice would it be to have the opportunity to be your own boss? I think it would be great! Well, now is your chance and vendstar can help you.

Just a few days ago, we were talking about how nice it would be to own some vending machines and put them around town. We have known others that have done this and they have loved it. Vendstar was first astablished in 1990 and since then has become one of the leading bulk candy vending machine manufacturers in the United States. Just since 2003, Vendstar has had over 9,000 members join their Vendstar family. They are continuing to increase that number as more people are joining, and profiting, from being apart of their family.

With up to an 80% profit margin, how can you not think about the posibilities? I know we have, and it is time you do too. Take a look for yourself, at this great opportunity!

Diana's touching up..

Every time Diana has been home, today, she has been sitting in Emry's room and repeatedly listened to this little sound box:) It makes her think of Emry's arrival, which I KNOW she is anticipating!! She can't wait for him to be out of her tummy, and into the world. I can't wait either, but I also haven't had to carry him for the past 8 1/2 months:) haha..

Emry's room coming along:)

Wow, what 2 days can do... Just 2 days ago we were stressing out about how much more there was to do in Emry's room. It seemed as though we were never going to be ready. We needed to get a dresser (small enough to fit into our tiny little nursery), a light, and all the huge furniture out of the room.

Well, we prayed about the dresser and we got a beautiful antique dresser/wardrobe (pictures to come later). The VERY next day, God answered our prayers and put it in front of us, how awesome is He!!!! We had some of the staff come and help us put it into the room and get the bulky university stuff out of there. It is all coming together! :)

Friday, September 7, 2007

SCORE can help you!

My aunt does not have a blog, but she did want me to post about SCORE, on her behalf. As a parent who's son is struggling in some areas, she feels stressed and wants him to succeed. She has been looking at different Tutoring systems for her son, and she feels SCORE! might finally be the right one!

What an Innovative Tutor system! The first thing she noticed was that SCORE! Educational Centers have been providing kids with a fun way to get ahead, in their studies, for 15 years! She is having a hard time finding credible tutors, and is excited about this opportunity!

We took the time to sit down and look at what SCORE! has to offer, and she was most excited about the Math program, since that is where her son struggles the most. Many tutors get down on the kids they are helping, where SCORE! uses positive reinforcement and even customizes curriculum based on the child's need!

I can not say enough about how excited she is, and me too, for this awesome opportunity that she is going to get to explore with her son! If anyone is in this same boat, you need to check out SCORE's Innovative Tutor programs today!

Baby appt. :o)

We had our baby appt today at like 1pm.....all was good :o) I'm starting my 33rd week, and we're excited that it's getting closer! Everything was good, he's growing nice and big still, and his heart sounds strong :o) I'm really glad that Josh has been able to go with me to every appt., I'm sure there's a lot of husbands out there that don't go with their wives or don't have the chance to, so that's nice :o)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Great Movie, TV Show, and Video Game Review Site!

If any of you are like me, you enjoy reading about new movies, shows, and games.. However, there really never seems to be an outlet for you to actually join in on the conversation and share your own thoughts. Well Critics Rant changes all that!

Not only does Critics Rant welcome your thoughts on tv shows and movie reviews, they actually reward you for it, by giving you the chance to win DVD's for sharing your opinions! I am definitely one that loves to give my opinion, and even more so if there is a chance to win something like a DVD!

Critics Rant has a "Featured Rants" section, so you can see what is new and hot on the site. It is set up to be very user friendly, and is also very eye catching. Don't take my word for it though, head over to Critics Rant and check it out for yourself!

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Bible Study

So, tonight is the first night of our new small group meeting. We are really excited because we have wanted to be able to be in a small group for some time, but just have been too busy. We love that we are getting connected and meeting others that are on fire for Christ. Not to mention, I get to cook and bring goodies with us:)

Great News Blog! Check out!

If you want to read a great Political Blog, you need to check out! This has a ton of great and informative articles for anyone interested in reading or sharing their opinions! I took the time to read a few of the posts and was intrigued by the post titled:

Presidential Election: Presidential Candidates 2008 - Election Coverage
Republican Presidential Candidate Ranking

In this post, a brief ranking and bio of each of the Republican Presidential candidates was given. Overall, I thought it was very informative and well done. It is nice to see that we can read about these sorts of topics somewhere other than the mainstream media. As I said, I thought it was informational. The one thing I disagreed with was the ranking that was given to Fred Thompson, who I can see as stepping up and possibly winning the nomination. However, I understand Fred Thompson just joined the race and it will take time for him to move up in the rankings.

If you are interested in reading the news from an outlet outside of the mainstream media, check out this great News blog, today!


Kate McCann, Mother of missing British girl Madeleine McCann, questioned by Police

Such a sad story, but it is about time they question the mother again!

CNN REPORTS: "(CNN) -- The mother of Madeleine McCann was interviewed by Portuguese police for a second time on Thursday amid reports of a possible forensic breakthrough in the hunt for the missing British four-year-old girl.

Four-year-old Madeleine McCann has been missing since disappearing from a Portuguese holiday apartment in early May.

The UK's Press Association reported Thursday that the UK-based Forensic Science Service (FSS) had uncovered "significant new information" after analyzing evidence taken from the holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal, from which Madeleine disappeared.

Specks of blood, items of clothing and other objects in the apartment were being tested.

Portuguese police said they were now giving special attention to the theory that Madeleine, who has been missing since early May, was dead, PA reported.

But a spokeswoman for the FSS told PA that tests were ongoing: "There has been no change in that, despite what the reports say. It's a live investigation and we are working with the police."

Meanwhile mother Kate McCann appealed for those responsible for her daughter's disappearance to release her or call the police, as she arrived at a police station in Portimao for questioning on Thursday afternoon, according to PA.

Kate McCann was previously interviewed on May 4, the day after Madeleine was reported missing. Her husband, Gerry McCann, who has already been interviewed twice, was due to speak to police on Friday.

"I miss Madeleine so much," said Kate McCann in a statement. "Gerry and I want to appeal again to the person or people who took her or know who took her to do the right thing.

"It is not too late - please let her go or call the police. We came to Portugal an ordinary family of five. We just want to know what happened on May 3 and want to be able to go home one family, reunited."

Justine McGuinness, the McCanns' spokeswoman, said in a statement they were happy to assist the police with their inquiries.

"Today Kate McCann has returned to Portimao to be questioned by the Portuguese police to assist them in their investigations," the statement said.

"Kate and Gerry are happy to help the police in their investigations to find their daughter Madeleine, as they have been since she was taken. Kate continues to believe that Madeleine is still alive, and to hope and pray that she will be returned soon.

"Kate is a loving, gentle mother - one of the victims in an extraordinary and terrible set of events."

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Do you struggle with your weight?

If you struggle with your weight, then it may be time to think about getting weight loss surgery. JourneyLite will help you every step of the way. They will help you evaluate whether the LAP-BAND System is right for you and even help you find an experienced surgeon, who you can trust. When they say they will help you every step of the way, they really mean it. They are so interested in helping you, they even follow-up and offer aftercare that is specifically tailored to you!

Visit their site today, and check them out. You can find a lot more information on their support groups, message boards, member forums, recipes, and even tips for success.