Do you have a digital camera?
If you don't have a digital camera, then you need to invest in one! I honestly think our digital camera is one of the best investments we have ever made. We used to have a little 3.1 digital camera, by Sony, but once we figured out we were pregnant, we decided it would be a good idea to get a really nice camera. We love to take pictures and have a ton of favorite ones on our computer. It is so hard to pick just one, so I am going to share a picture that I took of my husband this evening. Bill Bradley, former NBA and Hall of Fame player, came to UTA and spoke today. We were able to meet him and I took this picture of Josh with our camera!

This is just one of our many memorable moments we were able to capture, because we have a nice 10.3 Sony digital camera. We like to try new things with our camera too, like leaving the shutter open long enough for us to write with light, which creates for really cool photos! I would love to look at Nikon cameras next, and possibly get one of their top of the line SLR's! We are happy with ours, but we are always looking for new toys, especially cameras.
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