Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Posted by Gaylord Campbell

I logged onto http://www.ShopElectricityRatesTEXAS.com to get energy to our new lake house. It was one of the final things that I had to do before we get to officially move into our first vacation home. We are really excited about spending summers relaxing on the dock, swimming, and doing some water skiing. I also think that we are going to be spending a lot of time at the lake house during the cooler months. There is a great roaring wood burning fire place that keeps the house nice and cozy. There is just something relaxing about getting out of town and away from all of your normal obligations. I am thinking that we may even do Christmas Eve and New Years at the new lake house. Of course, that will depend on how quickly I can get everything decorated and put together at the house. We are just so excited and looking forward to spending time together, reading, and relaxing. Eventually, we are going to invite our friends, but only after we enjoy each other for a while.

*I was paid for this post*


Thanksgiving was sooooo great! I love being with family!... and getting time away from work :) We got to see a lot of friend and family and the boys had a blast at the grandparents! Can't believe Christmas is coming up so quickly! After this weekend, we will have all had our birthdays for another year! We did get our Christmas Tree up, which is also exciting! Very productive weekend!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Social networking

So, I wasn't sure anyone used YouTube anymore until I got my new Apple TV. Then I found out it is an app on the device. If Apple is putting it on their products as an application, I figure people must still be using it a lot. Then I found that there are applications and programs that help you  download from YouTube really smoothly and quickly. After finding out that people are still using it a lot, I spent about an hour on there looking up comedians last night while lying in bed. I need to get on there more often and check it out!

Office Essentials

I love having my own office! Not just one that is in a cubical. So nice to have that privacy for work and not have to listen to all the voices in the lobby. We are also given very nice office supplies and allowed to pick what we want and need. Anything from scanner software to computers.

It is so nice when you love your job! I don't know what I will be doing in 10 years but I hope it's this!!! I couldn't ask for better co-workers and supervisor!! It is so great to be home... even though we have been back for almost 3 years already! ha

Monday, November 7, 2011


Well, it's that time of year! Lots of birthdays and Christmas presents to purchase! I am not good at shopping for gifts or sure what to get people. I try to get personalized keepsakes but I don't seem to do a great job of it. I usually end up just asking the person what they want and then getting them that gift. That way I know I am getting something they want and I know that they will like it. It does take some of the excitement out of them opening the gift, but I am not sure how else to do it. I suppose I could pick up hints better about what they want, but I usually just put off the gift buying until I have to go out last minute to get something. Ha!