Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Posted by Gaylord Campbell

I logged onto http://www.ShopElectricityRatesTEXAS.com to get energy to our new lake house. It was one of the final things that I had to do before we get to officially move into our first vacation home. We are really excited about spending summers relaxing on the dock, swimming, and doing some water skiing. I also think that we are going to be spending a lot of time at the lake house during the cooler months. There is a great roaring wood burning fire place that keeps the house nice and cozy. There is just something relaxing about getting out of town and away from all of your normal obligations. I am thinking that we may even do Christmas Eve and New Years at the new lake house. Of course, that will depend on how quickly I can get everything decorated and put together at the house. We are just so excited and looking forward to spending time together, reading, and relaxing. Eventually, we are going to invite our friends, but only after we enjoy each other for a while.

*I was paid for this post*


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