Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I love my job! I know I have said this a million times, but it's true! I get to help students and work with great people! The pay isn't very good, especially for having a masters, but at the end of the day, it's okay because I love it so much! I love the feeling when you realize you actually are making a difference!

Baby Supplies!

Well, we hope to have a baby in our house at some point, so we are always looking for new places to buy baby stuff and for good deals, like on uppa baby vista products or others that are having great deals! It is so much fun to have a baby around and you often forget it until you are around them again. We would love to have 3 or 4 more kids! Just hope I get a raise in there at some point to help support the family we hope to have!

New Printer!

We got a new printer and wow do we love it! The boys and my wife have been printing non-stop since we got it. It does so many crafts, has applications for learning projects for homeschooling and can do fun things like scan, copy, plastic card printing, almost anything you could want! The boys know how to go up to it and pick the application they want, and print it right out! We are going through ink a bit quickly but it is so much fun and educational!

Brett Favre

I know it has been a full year since he left the Vikings but I loved this photo that went around last off season when people were mocking the fact that Brett retires so often and then comes back to other teams. I guess the Bears were just getting their chance :)

Fun Things I've Never Done

There are so many fun things that I have never done before. I would love to skydive someday and to ride in a helicopter! I think it would be fun to go sieving and hunting for gold. It would be fun to cave dive (but not like in that new movie Sanctum!) and to snorkel with my wife! So many fun things to do that we will have to keep adding to our bucket list!

Game On!

Tonight is going to be fun! We get to go to the basketball game because my work gave us free tickets! And before the game we get to have free food and hang out with other people i work with on campus! The boys are super excited about seeing the basketball game and getting skittles (it's a staple when we go to games). I love to see their joy when we do fun things. It totally lights up my life and makes me smile! I love them so much!


When our oldest son was weening from the pacifier one thing we got him as a gift was a yoyo. He got really good at it and now wants to get a better one, maybe an upgrade like a protostar yoyo or something. He will probably never play with anything else if we do get one though because he carries his first one around with him everywhere!

Updated the Boys Room

It was a lot of fun updating the boys room. We got new carpet and bought them bunk beds. They love them and even sleep together on the top bunk during nap time. It is their bed and also their ship when playing! We also got them a chair that hangs from the ceiling and to top it off we got one of those unique switch plates that is sports themed. They love turning on the light now and love to spend time in their room playing, reading, sleeping! The carpet is so comfy too!

Foster Class Update

The classes are still going well and we are getting to know everyone in our class. So neat to learn the different reasons everyone is taking them. Some are because they are grandparents trying to adopt their grandchildren. Some are because they are unable to have children themselves. Some are there because they are retired and have no children at home and simply want to fill a need in our world. it has been neat getting to know each of their hearts and so cool to see so many people who want to help all these children who really need a good home and parents to love them!

Winter Brings Challenges

Every winter we hear about deaths due to it being icy or poor conditions. We hadn't heard anything like that this winter since it has been so mild, until the first storm when we heard there were 3 deaths due to the conditions. We talk about how it is probably harder to get help to those in need and for road trip medical assistance to get out to them. The snow is beautiful but can definitely cause some challenges as well.

Constant Noise

Before we had kids, we always slept in silence. Then we had kids and that all changed. We lived in a dorm that was really noisy and prevented our son from falling asleep. So we got a white noise machine and everything was great! We haven't stopped using white noise machine ever since! In fact, I'm not sure if I could fall asleep without one anymore!

My Loves

I love these 3 sooo much! i am so lucky to have them in my life! For Christmas I had this picture drawn as a present for Diana. She loves this photo so I knew she would like it as a bigger drawing. It's really neat!

Mild Winter

It would be an understatement to say we have had a mild winter! We have only had it snow 2 times and the next 4 days are supposed to be in the 40s and 50s, so the little snow we have will likely all melt. WOW! I have to say that I am really happy but my son is a little sad. I guess we have had no way to ski this year and the skis will just keep sitting on the ski racks.

Thinking Back

When I used to work in Texas, I was close to a medical area of the city, where everyone was always wearing scrubs. I used to wonder where they would actually buy them as I had never seen a store for them before, and many people had very unique stops or bottoms. I have seen cherokee workwear scrubs that are really nice. I haven't had to ever wear scrubs before but they do look comfy!

My Mavs

They look so different from last year and are somehow still winning! Dirk has been hurt, kidd has been awful and  hurt, but somehow they find ways to win. Losing Tyson hurt a lot but they have actually improved significantly on defense so far without him. The additions of Vince Carter, Odom and West have helped our depth and Roddy is playing great as well! Once we get everyone healthy and playing together for a while, I think this team can be really scary come playoff time! GO MAVS!

Stressful Water Week

Last week was a bit stressful as we had our water pump freeze up two different times. We are still fairly new to farm living and we didn't have this issue last winter. When it happened the first time, I was in the shower and the water just stopped. I was so scared the pump had broken, which would cost a lot of money! Thankfully it was just frozen and I was able to get it unfrozen by putting a space heater down in the well, and afterwards I insulated and put hay on top of the well.

Morale for Soldiers

I was just thinking back to when my father-in-law's church would put together little packets to send to soldiers. It would have essentials in there as well as just things soldiers said they wish they had. I'm not a smoker but arturo fuente cigars were often sent to boost the morale of the soldiers. It was fun to hear back from them about how these packages meant so much to them and actually brightened their day!


Wow, is this kid fun to watch! I have been watching youtube videos of him since he was like 14 but to see him play in the NBA is amazing! The passes he makes remind me of a young nash and kidd. He is already among the league leaders in steals, rebounds (for PGs), assists and FT%. I can't wait to see him play for the next 10-15 years!!! And he plays close to us so we can see most of his games on TV!

Updating our Porch

We love updating our home and making it more 'ours.' We recently updated our office/toy room and the boys bedroom. Now it is time to move onto the porch! We would love to get some new outdoor furniture to put out there as well as some new decorations. we have a very nice table that was given to us so we wouldn't need much more to complete a new look! Should be fun!

Anniversary Gifts

If you are like me, you have a difficult time figuring out gifts to give the ones you love. Sometimes things stand out but often times I am left searching for something special and want to get just the right thing. This always seems to be the case for anniversary gifts. I try so hard to find the right thing and usually do okay, but it ends up being so stressful! Any tips?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Foster Classes

4 weeks in and 6 to go. I can't believe how fast they are going! It is a lot of work but we are learning a lot, which is good! I can't believe what some children have to go through, so sad. We truly have a heart for all of them and wish we could just bring all the kids home with us that need a good home! It is also nice that we have friends in the class with us, so we can bounce things off of each other after each session.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Washburn Guitars

My wife and I are always talking about how we want to start our kids in guitar lessons when they are fairly young. We feel it is such a neat skill to have. When thinking about the best guitars out there one immediately thinks of washburn guitars. They have a 120 year history and have impacted the music industry greatly! I can only think of a few brands I would consider and washburn is definitely one of them. I don't think anyone can go wrong with picking washburn over all the other guitars out there. I'm excited to go shopping!