Saturday, December 12, 2009

Shoes for Christmas

My mom wants to get me shoes for Christmas, which is really exciting since I need them really bad! The only thing is trying to find time to sneak out and look for them. I was told that Naot has nice shoes and of course I can always find great deals at all the stores in the mall!I guess I can always look on Ebay or at Platos closet too. They always seem to have good deals. We'll see. All I know is that I am really excited to have new shoes :)

New store in town

We often just go walk around some of the home improvement stores when we get bored. If and when we move into a house, we basically have everything picked out already. There is a new store in town and they have everything! We could spend hours shopping around and looking at everthing. They have everthing from tile flooring to video games. We even noticed that you can buy groceries there! I guess we found our new favorite store :)

Nice House!

We don't live in a house but we can't wait to one day! So, until that happens it means that I will just keep admiring other people's homes that we visit. :) We recently visited some family members that moved into a new house and have done some work on it since buying it. I noticed that they had new counter tops, bar faucets, sinks, and a really nice dinner table. Until we get that house, we will just stick with the fake wood counter tops and card table..haha


One of my co-workers went to Hawaii recently. I know this because she told all of us about it for weeks before she left. She made sure to let us know the count down until she left. :) We were all jealous that she was going to get to go stay in some hotel hawaii. I guess we will just have to plan a trip to go there sometime in the future. Probably not for a while though since Israel is only a week old!

Weight Loss mania!

My mother in law has been doing this program called Prism and has lost a ton of weight. Tonight when she was at our place, we noticed how her pants just hang off of her and look too large for her. She said that they were the pants she bought a couple weeks ago, after having already lost 30 pounds and growing out of the clothes she owned before them. I guess she is going to need to go shopping again! haha.. The program is great too! It teaches you to eat healthy, not just use slimming pills and stuff.


I can't believe how much weight my in-laws have lost! They aren't doing it using diet pills or starving themselves either. They are using a program called Prism which is a Bible study and helps people learn to eat healthier! They have learned how to take care of their bodies and it is definitely showing! We bought Mike a pair of jeans last year that were really tight. Now they are actually falling off of him! It is great to see them getting into such great shape!

The new addition to our family

Well, he's finally here!!! Israel was born a week ago and we are soooo glad he is now apart of our growing family! He is the sweetest little boy ever! Now that we live in Iowa we won't have to use all of our vacation time to visit family and have them meet him. That means in the long run we can save vacation time and do fun things like get a myrtle beach vacation condo rental or go to six flags. :) I can't believe he is already over a week old! Wow!

New Family Hobby

Well, we recently traded our Xbox360 for a Wii. It was a hard decision but we did it since our kids are so young and we figured a Wii would provide much more family entertainment than an Xbox360. It isn't the end of the world since my brother in law bought a ps3 recently, so I can play that to get my fix for games with better graphics. So far we have loved the Wii!

Home sweet home

I remember two years ago we talked about getting a gps unit and I was all against it. I was sure we could simply use one of those mapquest type sites and be just fine. Well, we ended up getting one and I loved it! I have noticed that we don't use it much in Iowa, now that we moved, but it still comes in handy. I am not someone who gets many of the new gagits that come out, but I can honestly say it saved us many times in Dallas. haha