Saturday, October 11, 2008

Cooking with Emry

A while back Diana took Emry into the kitchen to switch things up. She laid a sheet on the floor and sat him on it. Then she let him have the flour. He loved playing with it and the photos she took were very funny! She posted them on her site and had many comments. Someone today wrote a comment saying they wanted to cook but weren't feeling motivated. They asked if they could have another cooking lesson from Emry, possibly French toast I guess we will have to start letting him play with more than just flour.


We just got a 1000 dollar tv stand for 100 bucks! I have been keeping my eye out online because tv furniture can be so expensive. We finally found a deal we couldn't pass up and went for it. Our place is definitely coming together. It's going to be sad having to pack it all up again in less than a year. We put so much time into unpacking and decorating.

Decorating our new place

Since moving our time has been spent unpacking and decorating. We have more windows so we had to buy more curtains, furniture, TV's, and beds. We are also allowed to have candles in our new apartment so you know what that means.... It means buying Votive candle holders, candles, and all kinds of other decorations! It is a lot of work but moving can be so much fun!!