1 year Anniversary :o)
YYEEEHHH, it was our one year anniversary! Wow time went fast!!! My side of the family (Ellson's) had a family reunion, we all went up to Minnesota to some Cabin in the middle of nowhere, you couldn't even get a cell phone signal ;o) but it was soo much fun :o) Our anniversary was planted right in the middle of the reunion, but we made it as best we could. There was this resturant that looked above the lake on a hill, and Jos made reservations at it and surprised me for dinner there :o) He also got me a sweatshirt from the gift shop to remember where our 1 year anni. was :o) lol cute. But the vacation was lots of fun, lots of tubing, skiing, cooking out, fishing, etc....the cabin was three storys with tons of bedrooms, so it was nice and big for us all. Glad I got a good tan :o)