Sunday, September 2, 2007

Getting Connected

We just love Sundays! It is so nice to get to go to church and be around fellow believers. We have been soooo busy the last few months, but it seems that we have actually become more connected, at the same time. We have recently committed to joining a small group that will meet each week, and we are looking forward to it. We have also started to go to another Bible study that is each week, and loving it as well! With the building opening and the pregnancy, we weren't sure what to expect joining all of these other things, but it has seemed to actually given us more energy, than ever! God says when we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us.. that is SOOO true! It is amazing when we are more in line with Him, how he just keeps revealing Himself to us more each day! It seems the more we get connected, the more we read together, and the more we pray, the more energy and excitement God is giving us. He is truely amazing!


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