Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Work has been great! we have been here for a year now and time has really flown! I have loved every minute of being back and really hope we get to stay here long term and find our next job here. The people I work with are great and I love the students! It is also great to be closer to friends and family, which is the main reason we moved back. Now that it is summer, I really remember why we came back! The summers are great here!!!

Great Weather!

It is such a great summer so far! Besides a couple cooler days, it has been beautiful! No sitting in side and looking to get on facebook or shop online to order Phentermine. It is time to put the computers away and spend the summer outside! It just makes me feel better to be outside and be active. Being cooped up inside just makes you feel down and isn't near as much fun as being outside playing with your kids. Emry loves to be outside and that is exactly what I plan to do with him this summer!

Summer is here!

Well, summer is here and that means it is time to get into swim suit shape! No more looking all flabby. Some will choose to use the best weight loss pills they can fine, while others will work out like crazy to get into shape. Yet others, will try to eat more healthy, like my in-laws are doing. They look great! I believe the program they are trying is Prizm or Prism. Basically, they just eat healthier and do more physical activity. They like to tell us how they have "lost a grandchild," meaning they have lost as much weight as their oldest grandchild. :)


It seems like everyone is blogging now-a-days. My sister started it all when she began blogging and she is still an avid blogger. I do a little and so does the rest of my family. I know some people that just do posts to review companies, like noxycut reviews. Some just do give-a-ways and some just do them to talk about their problems. My wife recently started one about all of our mothering experiences and to share all her wonderful cooking with the world! She is amazing and her blog is really taking off!


So, I never really notice it but Diana sure does. What is that, you ask? My blackheads! I really wanted to get rid of blackheads and Diana bought me some Burt's Bees stuff that is awesome! Not to mention that it is also all natural too! It works really well and it doesn't take a long time. Just use some of the scrub when you are in the shower, and booooom! It is amazing how much better my face looks now. I plan on using it 2 or 3 times a week.


Over the weekend, we went swimming. Emry and his cousin really wanted to play together, so we went to the hotel and let them swim. It was a blast! I also noticed that I really need to get in "swim suit" shape! I'm not going to use any of those "best diet pills" type of plans, or probably not even going to work out a lot. I plan on just eating better and getting outside and moving around. Get some natural exercise and spend time with Emry :) What can be better than that?

What a great weekend!

Wow! What a great weekend! I didn't want it to end! First, we spent Friday getting ready for the Farmers Market, then we had the market on Saturday and went straight to my in-laws to get ready for Sunday. What was Sunday? Well, it was the dedication of our son! All our family came and it was really nice! Then on Monday we went to a park and then hung out with great grandma, which was really fun! We did spend a bit of time on rv repair duty, since hers has some kinks, but that was even fun!